Stand together for a
safer, stronger Scottsdale

Decline to sign the petition to block Axon’s new corporate campus

Scottsdale Police Chief Jeff Walther: “Scottsdale is safer with Axon in our backyard.”

A homegrown Scottsdale success story, Axon’s leading-edge public safety technology has made every Arizona resident and every Arizona law enforcement officer safer for the past 30 years.

The company’s new global headquarters campus, located along the Loop 101 and Hayden Road, will keep this fast-growing tech leader right here in Scottsdale — while contributing more than $40 billion to the state economy over the next decade.

Unfortunately, a group of misguided opponents have launched a petition drive to kill Axon’s zoning agreement with the City. Their campaign — funded with secret money and using California-based petition circulators — could succeed in chasing Axon out of Scottsdale and Arizona forever.

Do you want to keep Scottsdale strong and safe? Do you want more than 5,000 new career jobs that pay an average of $135,000 a year?

Then decline to sign this misleading petition.

Supporting Axon means supporting public safety all over the world

Scottsdale is safer and stronger because Axon is here

Axon has worked with neighbors and Scottsdale leaders for years to create a win-win campus that doesn’t take a penny in city subsidies. The tax boost Axon provides will pay for more first responders, faster 911 response times, better roads, and improved city services.

  • Supporting Scottsdale's Future

    Axon’s new headquarters will generate $11.5M annually in tax revenue, strengthening public safety, parks and roads — no tax hikes required.

    Boosting Local Businesses

    18,200 business travelers annually means $26M in spending at Scottsdale’s hotels, restaurants and shops, creating a ripple effect for the local economy.

  • High-Wage Jobs, Close to Home

    Up to 5,500 direct jobs, averaging up to $135,000 per year, will give Scottsdale residents the chance to thrive without long commutes.

    Economic Growth for All

    Axon’s campus supports 18,800 jobs statewide, driving $3.6B in economic impact across construction, retail and hospitality.

  • A Campus That Connects People

    Axon’s 44-acre campus will feature parks, trails, a dog park and retail spaces, blending seamlessly with Scottsdale’s outdoor lifestyle.

    Built With Scottsdale in Mind

    The design reflects extensive feedback from the community, prioritizing traffic flow, aesthetics and neighborhood compatibility.

  • Housing That Works for Scottsdale

    1,900 on-site residential units will reduce traffic, shorten commutes, and ease housing pressures, offering employees a sustainable living option.

    Keeping Industrial Uses Out

    Without this project, the land could host warehouses or truck-intensive facilities, increasing noise and pollution. Axon’s vision keeps Scottsdale’s charm intact.

  • Leading the Silicon Desert

    Axon’s HQ will cement Scottsdale as a tech leader, attracting high-tech businesses, investment and talent.

    Growth With Purpose

    The project balances job creation, sustainable development and community integrity, setting a model for Scottsdale’s future.

  • 30 Years of of Safety and Security

    With Axon in Scottsdale’s backyard, our public safety agencies get direct access to the latest technology and training that improves the safety and protection of our community.

    A Better Future for All

    The Axon campus elevates property values, funds schools, and secures Scottsdale’s vibrant future. Losing this project risks a major economic partner moving elsewhere.

See how Axon and Scottsdale PD partner to Protect Life

Would you rather…
a vibrant corporate campus or an industrial wasteland?

Some opponents have started a petition to stop the development of Axon’s new campus in North Scottsdale. If they are successful, we would not be welcoming a stunning mixed-use campus with housing, restaurants, shops and parks — not to mention the improved public safety, public service and economic growth benefits — into our neighborhood.

Instead, we should prepare for the land to become an industrial use site. Like a massive distribution center with thousands of 18-wheelers cycling through per day. A sterile warehouse with no community integration or green space. A heavy manufacturing plant with noise and environmental pollution.

If Axon’s HQ project is blocked, we should prepare for the worst.

Scottsdale wants Axon to stay.

Don’t be fooled by a few loud voices.

  • “Scottsdale is safer with Axon in our backyard...[I am] quaking in my boots [at the thought Axon might leave town.]”

    Scottsdale Police Chief Jeff Walther

  • Arizona is fortunate to have a robust company like Axon in its technology ecosystem and Scottsdale accommodating its plans for a new HQ campus would be a win for the Valley.

    Steve Zylstra, AZ Business Journal Column

  • "Please, let's keep building a city that welcomes and invests in those who are ready to take risks."

    Scottsdale Resident, City Council Public Comment

Decline to sign the petition to block Axon’s HQ

Hear from Axon Founder & CEO Rick Smith about the vision and impact of the new Axon corporate campus — and Stand for Scottsdale. The best way you can help support the safety, strength and vibrancy of our community is to be informed and be aware of what you are being asked to sign.

Axon is hiring in Scottsdale

Join Axon and Be a Force for Good

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